Why Should You Write Benefits Instead of Features

Are you trying to sell a product? Do you have a product that has been in the market for a long time and does not seem to interest anyone although you know it meets all the quality standards? Have all your marketing campaigns been futile? Maybe it is high time you analyzed your marketing strategy. […]

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Long vs Short Form Copy – Which One To Use?

The longest standing and never ending debates in marketing circles and copywriting is over what is better-short or long copy. The fanatics of short copy gospel believe that no one sees the need to read nowadays, and this is enough reason to avoid writing long copy. On the other hand, the long copy adherents believe […]

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How To Write A Winning Headline

In our current world full of all sorts of sounds and noises, how can writers get readers to take action? Getting keen readers obviously takes more than just a great design or good content. The most important part is the headline. Recent studies have shown that 5 times as many people read headlines than the […]

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